my hand – D'ARC.STUDIO Desperate Architects Rome City Tue, 09 Jan 2024 12:55:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 I NUOVI ORIZZONTI DEL DESIGN INDUSTRIALE Mon, 24 Sep 2018 13:58:26 +0000 Il Design industriale ha un ruolo sempre più centrale nel manifatturiero contemporaneo; specialmente in Italia, terra di grandi designer e secondo paese manifatturiero d’Europa. Interdisciplinare, pragmatico, duttile, il Design industriale si confronta (e si contamina) con il mondo produttivo e tecnologico, e innova. Ma quali sono i nuovi orizzonti del Design industriale? In che modo esso dialoga con le PMI, il territorio, le startup manifatturiere? Quali sono i suoi contributi alle grandi trasformazioni dei nostri giorni?

Ne parlano: Danilo Farinelli, Direttore Generale Carnia Industrial Park Giorgio Mazzotti COO di Q-ID e Lorenzo Naddei CEO di Q-ID Andrea Signoretto, designer e fondatore della startup Sentier Rosa Topputo, architetto e co-fondatore di D’Arc. Studio Mario Varesco, designer e fondatore di MFOR Il Design industriale ha un ruolo sempre più centrale nel manifatturiero contemporaneo; specialmente in Italia, terra di grandi designer e secondo paese manifatturiero d’Europa. Interdisciplinare, pragmatico, duttile, il Design industriale si confronta (e si contamina) con il mondo produttivo e tecnologico, e innova. Ma quali sono i nuovi orizzonti del Design industriale? In che modo esso dialoga con le PMI, il territorio, le startup manifatturiere? Quali sono i suoi contributi alle grandi trasformazioni dei nostri giorni?

Ne parlano: Danilo Farinelli, Direttore Generale Carnia Industrial Park

Giorgio Mazzotti COO di Q-ID e Lorenzo Naddei CEO di Q-ID Andrea Signoretto, designer e fondatore della startup Sentier

Rosa Topputo, architetto e co-fondatore di D’Arc. Studio

Mario Varesco, designer e fondatore di MFOR

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Venice Design Week My-Hand Project Wed, 11 Oct 2017 10:25:41 +0000 Discover D’arc.Studio Robotics and prosthetics at Wearable technology Venice Design Week 2017 with My-Hand project…/arriva-la-mano-bionica-made-in-italy…

More info:犀利士

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Estetica dalla moda alla Prostetica (Aesthetics from fashion to prosthetics) Wed, 28 Oct 2015 17:01:37 +0000 D’Arc studio together with Maurizio Giovannoni, Marco Serra and Corrado Muzi went to Maker Faire 2015 in Rome, there we showed our philosophy of design: how aesthetics can be applied to every project from prosthetics (My Hand) to fashion (Cambi_ami glasses and Kolibrit Bag).

Our aim was to show our workflow and increase of people awareness about the design process, how we work in different fields using digital drawing and 3d modeling .
The process starts researching the product and market, after that we sketch our ideas and then we sculpt in the 3d modeling software, our inseparable companions are our Wacom’s drawing tablets (Cintiq 24, Cintiq 27, Cintiq Companion 2 and Intuos pro).
We study the aestetichs of every product, for example with My Hand we wanted a prosthetic that people could show instead of hide, something beautiful.
Our design process is exactly the same for Kolibrit, a modular bag with interchangeable flaps made with 3d printing, and Cambiami 3d printed sunglasses.

More info:

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Danish’s students came to visit D’Arc Studio Tue, 20 Oct 2015 15:25:59 +0000 Danish’s students from University College Nordjylland Sofiendalsvej came to visit D’Arc Studio. We discussed about the new type of architect on the importance in this profession to use and comprehend new technologies and expand the fields of interests, “an architect should be able to design everything from the spoon to the city” as the slogan from Ernesto Nathan Rogers . We based our workflow on these words so that it can be applied to every field from architecture to industral or fashion design using every tool from traditional to digital.

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D’arc on RAI Italia Community with My – Hand project Fri, 19 Jun 2015 15:30:49 +0000 Interview with Alessio Tommasetti ( D’arc.Studio ) and Christian Cipriani

Il timecode: from 05:45 to 16:56



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WAY- Weareable interfaces for hand function recoverY Wed, 17 Jun 2015 16:36:36 +0000 Ecco il video che racconta i risultati del progetto europeo WAY- Weareable interfaces for hAnd function recoverY, coordinato da Way Consortium e dalla Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa Istituto di Biorobotica. Regia, Cgi e realizzazione a cura dello studio D’Arc.
Here you are the video european project WAY- Weareable interfaces for hAnd function recoverY, coordinated by Way Consortium and The BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa. Direction, Cgi and compositing by D’Arc Studio.
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So proud….D’arc on RAI ITALIA with My-hand project Mon, 15 Jun 2015 14:05:47 +0000 Lunedi alle 23:30 Italia

17:30 New York City
Christian Cipriani, ingegnere e professore presso l’Istituto di Biorobotica della Scuola Sant’Anna di Pisa, e Alessio Tommasetti, architetto e designer( D’arc. Studio) insieme hanno lavorato al progetto “My hand”, dedicato allo sviluppo di tecnologie non invasive per agevolare il recupero delle funzioni sensoriali e motorie delle persone che hanno subito l’amputazione di una mano.



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My Hand at Fuori salone, Milan design week 2015 Wed, 06 May 2015 13:58:21 +0000 D’arc Studio presents ‘My Hand’ at Fuori Salone Milano. My Hand is a collaboration with Biorobotics Institute Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna located in Pisa.
‘My Hand’ is a technical masterpiece that uses hi-tech mechanism which consists of three internal motors and sensors that should recreate the sense of touch, researchers call it  the ‘restoration of physiological sense’.
From the beginning the project ‘My Hand’ has had a special care towards design, our main goal was to build a  hi-tech prosthesis to show off and not hide.
D’Arc studio has been working on the aesthetic, developing 3d printable parts and giving ideas on how to implement those with the project.
The workflow combined digital sketches made using Wacom tablets with 3d modeling design and 3d printing.
MyHAnd was a very difficult challenge , but we are proud to have accepted it. Often we invaded the technical field engineers with art and design , and together we have developed a highly innovative concept . There are still many tests and improvements to be made . The point at which we currently are, serves to demonstrate that a technological and functional project should also be beautiful.
The bionic limb is ready to become a reality, in fact human trials should begin within one or two months.
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